Present Continuous (onvoltooid tegenwoordige tijd,duurvorm)

De present continuous is altijd een vorm van BE + -ing


I am working.


He is studying.


We are having a party.

gebruik A

Je gebruikt deze vorm meestal


om aan te geven dat iets nu bezig is


Please don't make so much noise. I'm working.


'Where's Margaret?' 'She's having a bath.'

I am walking


He/ she / it is walking


You are walking


We are walking


They are walking


You are walking


gebruik C

Ergernis uitdrukken


My big brother is always teasing (plagen) me.


He is always complaining (klagen) about the food



Aangeven dat je binnenkort iets van plan bent


We are having dinner at Mcdonald's this evening.


We are sailing to Japan tomorrow.

gebruik B